7 Islamic Principles of Success |
Success in this world is, in fact, the endeavour of man to live within his own sphere of action and endeavour, where living is not a mechanical process, but a conscious struggle in which he pursues a worthwhile goal with his courage and zeal. Achieve passion through your actions.
After this process, he gets honour, position, fame, money or peace. This is the reward that nature gives him to achieving an important goal and performing this extraordinary task.
In today's world, everyone wants high success in this world. But if one reads the last book of Allah, the Holy Qur'an, one finds that real success is, in fact, succeed in the hereafter. The foundation of this ultimate success is in the life of this world.
While the Qur'an Al-Hakim has explained the principles of success in the Hereafter, it has also explained the principles of success in this world so that the people who will come to the Day of Resurrection will not only achieve success in the Hereafter but also in this world. Become a role model in the world by becoming successful.
The following are the seven (7) eternal principles mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, which, if accepted as the basis of all one's deeds, can guarantee worldly success and the Hereafter. High success and happiness of Allah Kareem will be obtained as a bonus. If all these are followed, no power in the world can stop an individual from succeeding. By following these principles, it is impossible in the world for a person not to achieve golden success.
The First Quranic Principle of Success: Follow the Rewarded People
In the very first surah of the Holy Qur'an, where the individual is taught to pray for the success of walking on the straight path, he is also told to pray that Allah may guide him to the path of those whom he has rewarded. Surat al-Fatihah, verse 6) Because the good of this world and the hereafter is bestowed only by walking on the path of the rewarded.
Become like the rewarded people of the world, that is, start living like them. The goodness, goodness and grace of the world will be bestowed. Successful people in the Hereafter, such as the Prophets, the truthful, the righteous, and the martyrs, will be rewarded with support in the Hereafter. If you want to be a hero or a prize winner in any field of action, start following the path of the prize winners already in it. Success will come to you in a hurry.
The second Qur'anic principle of success: after every hardship there is the ease
The Qur'an states that after every hardship there is the ease and then by reiterating that the sceptics have been silenced till the Day of Resurrection that there is indeed ease after every hardship (Surat al-Ansharah: verses 5-6).
That is, troubles and difficulties in life will come first and ease will find its way home later. The individual has to work hard in the world first and then he is given ease.
The farmer has to plough first, cultivate the crop, save him from all kinds of bad things like harmful other animals and unfavourable conditions.
Only after months of hard work is he given a full harvest, that is, facilities. The student has to work hard in the first nights and then it is easy to get a good result. That is to say, the price of any ease in the world is to cut the form of hard work, hardship and difficulty first and then go somewhere and get ease.
A study of the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) tells us that life will come first. The result of continuous and uninterrupted hard work will not be great, but then the era of rewards, ie civil life, will begin. I believe that this Mickey and Madani life comes in the life of every individual. That is, every individual is admitted to the age of rewards only after hardship.
But the problem arises when we compare ourselves to those whose rewards, that is, the beginning of civil life, in our time of trouble and distress. Every individual has to go through the process of hard work first and then rewards and rewards. Work with patience, perseverance, perseverance and perseverance in the Mickey era of your life and believe in Allah that your Madani era will also come. When your examples will be given and grace will be showered on you.
The third Qur'anic principle of success: do not despair
God's book, the Qur'an al-Hakim, says that the greatest satanic weapon is to disappoint man with God's mercy. That is why it has been commanded not to despair (Surat al-Zumar, verse 39) and despair has been interpreted as disbelief.
Psychologists around the world have come to know scientifically the fact that a person dies later, first his hopes and aspirations are dashed. Frustration and despair are at the root of all mental illness.
If hope is taken away from a nation or an individual, then what is the justification for living or doing any work? The urge to live and the urge to work only last on the tail of hope. Hopes to keep the spirits young and rejuvenate the courage.
Holding on to hope, even in the toughest and most difficult of circumstances, is a sign of life. The path of God is the path of hope and the path of Satan is the path of despair. Perfect trust and reliance on God is our weapon that Which thwarts every evil trick of despair.
Worries, misgivings, frustrations, anxieties and worries are far beyond the boundaries of belief in Allah, from which there is a complete cure for recovery and reliance on healing. It's too late. Give it a try because one of God's principles is that He does not burden the individual beyond his capacity. (Surat al-Baqara, verse 286)
The Fourth Quranic Principle of Success: Think and Meditate
Contemplation is a command of the Qur'an which commands us to think about ourselves, which is called the source of self-knowledge and all knowledge. So, it is commanded to think about other creations of God so that as a result of this act of thinking, one may know and recognize the source of all good and blessings in this world and in the hereafter, ie Allah Almighty (Surat al-Rum: 30).
That is why the Qur'an says to think in hundreds of places. In any case, thinking makes a person think deeply rather than superficially. In the same direction in which every matter will be considered with breadth and depth, God continues to reveal new dimensions, concepts, perspectives and teachings to the individual. Thus new sciences and products, and services begin to come into existence which not only ensures the individual's success in this world but also leads him to his eternal success in the Hereafter.
In this way, the individual is attracted to a higher goal instead of a pointless one. It is only through deep thinking and reflection that problems are solved, creative thinking flourishes, a new future is built, and better decision-making is helped. The power of observation and study is better, so you should make meditation your motto in your field of action because only then will nature reveal to you its secrets which have not been revealed to anyone before you.
Fifth Qur'anic Principle of Success: Change Your Own Condition
Every individual and nation has to change its own condition because Allah does not change the condition of the nation which does not change its own condition (Surat al-Ra'd, verse 10). In order to change one's condition, one has to take action. No unseen Messiah will come down from anywhere who will change the condition of an individual or a nation.
Only those who seek are given and those who ask are given. Help is also given to those who have done their best. There is nothing for idle people anywhere. Sitting paralyzed and suspended is not reliance on God but contempt for Him.
The most beautiful expression of true devotion is to wait for God's help for positive results after using one's available resources, energy, courage, strength and intelligence. This was the rule for God's chosen servants and even for the apostles, and it is the same rule for the general public that one should do one's best first and then humbly ask Allah for help.
Failure and frustration never come to the hands of those waiting for outside help. Most people consider inaction and sitting on the basis of unfamiliarity with the Qur'anic concept of patience to be patient even though it is completely wrong. It is obligatory and necessary to do our best even in patience. In order to pray, it is necessary to first fulfil all possible reasons, then to ask Allah with single-mindedness and perseverance, and to be sure that if it is granted, then insha'Allah you will never be disappointed or returned. If it is better, it will be given immediately, otherwise, in the Hereafter, you will find it in front of you and you will be more thankful to Allah that it is being given to you now.
Sixth Quranic Principle of Success: Try
Man gets what he strives for (Surat al-Najm, verse 39). But we must strive and strive hard in the direction in which we want results. This principle stated in the Qur'an also motivates us to take immediate action and to act as we wish for the results.
In this verse, God clearly states that we are created free by nature. All the slavery in the rest of the world is self-made by the human mind which is first broken only in the minds and then freedom is gained in practical life. We are not compelled by nature, nor a toy in the hands of destiny to be turned in any direction, but we are the creatures who shape our destiny, who need courage and passion, not support, to shape their destiny.
The worst slavery for a human being in the world is the slavery of one's habits and desires in which the individual loses his right to self. It is like a robot that runs in an automated and mechanical way. He becomes a prisoner of his habits. It is also important to determine your direction and outcome before attempting, ie you know which direction you are heading and why. There is no better way to set goals and plan in today's world. That is, knowing what the results will be before doing anything is not only a manifestation of high thinking but also the first step towards greater success.
The Seventh Qur'anic Principle of Success: Do Good Deeds
Translation: God created life in order to know who does good deeds (Surat al-Mulk). Doing good deeds means that whatever work you do and do it in such a wonderful and high way that the work is paid for itself, it should be done on the level of good deeds.
Whether these matters are religious or worldly, they should be done in such a good way that if the Lord of the universe is happy and satisfied with them, then what could be a better degree of Excellence than this? That is to say, whether it is to perform prayers or to do business, they should be done in such a way and in such a way that everyone cries out that it may not have been possible to do it in a better way, then we should be sure that we did it well. Are The more the beauty in any work, the more its usefulness will increase. By performing every work with the heart and mind and performing it from the depths of the soul, with the pleasure of God and His servants. At the same time, success in the world is inevitable. May Allah Almighty help us to follow these seven Qur'anic principles of success so that we may be successful in this world and in the Hereafter (Amen).
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